Thursday, January 28, 2010

TAG !!

Got a E-mail from Mom.

1. What is you current Obsession?
Having all systems in my life "WORK THE WAY THEY SHOULD" ( Vehicles, Computers, Spending, Earning, Time Schedules, etc. ) Only having essential files on my computer. Just reformatted both. Put all music and other files onto 10 DVD's and on the shelf. Got rid of all old CD's that are now on the DVD's. They are way fast now. ( nerdo )

2.Chocolate Or Vanilla
Neither - Cookie Dough ( Blue Bell )

3. What are you wearing today?
Cords, T-Shirt, Good Old Trusty "One" Hat, and a Jacket
( because it going to get into the 30's, maybe )

4. Whats for dinner?

"BEEF" of course. But I don't know what we are eating tonight.

5.What is the last thing you bought?

Gas. ( Lame! ) I bought a new double tank air compressor, it's sweet!

6. What are you listening to right now?

"Muse" is my new favorite band. Their popular stuff stinks but the others on their CD's are sweet. Let me know if you want an illegal sample of some of their cool stuff!

7. If you could have a house, fully paid for, and totaly furnished anywhere in the world where would it be?

The Sahara ( not little Sahara the BIG one, I've seen pictures ) But only if my house had a built in gas pump with unlimited gas. Cause I'd have a CR250,among other things, and go ridding at my leisure. And have no fears in the world. All of my friends would be there, and others that can have fun. ( Jarad would be there ( of course ), because he's been my friend from my very beginning ) And it would take a real long time to get bored because we'd know how to stay happy and have the means to do so. At least 10 years.

8. What is one of your hobbies?

Building sweet things out of wood ( furniture and other sweet finish carpentry things ) Ha, that's what I do for a living.

9.What are 4 things that annoy you the most?

1. Talking generally about specific things. ( i.e. We need to fight for our freedom. 1rst what do you mean fight and second freedom is relative, LOL, Maybe it's just the freedom fighters fighting each other. ) Sometimes you need to just follow Oma Desala.

2. Cell Phone and Texting Drivers that can't handle multitasking, and don't see the need to acquire skills, but end up needing new cars, knees and faces, and hold up everyone in the process. ( there is no good in this )

3. So why did gas go from $5 a gallon to $1 a gallon again? No one seems to know.

4. People that think Peanut Butter and Honey Mixed tastes no different then separate. ( it's so apparent )

10. What is your favorite color?

Cars : Black
Cloths: Blue
CR250's: White
Skittles: Red
Furniture: Black
Walls: Neutral matte ( not white )
Trim: Brilliant White semi gloss

11. What is your favorite piece of clothing?

Davis Power Shorts, Or Local Motion Hoodie ( both deceased =[ )

12. What is your dream job?

Building awesome furniture, cabs, etc. in a garage with plenty of room at my own pace with my own tools and that be enough to feed the fam. I enjoy working by myself, but on two person jobs having good, enjoyable help.

13.Describe your personal style.

Kicked this Question

14. What are you doing after this?

Eat, Go to a shop where they can fix my 16ga finish nailer. E-mail the guy we bought the Jetta from a bill, see if I can get some money. Go get groceries. Maybe vacuum.

15.What inspires you?

Hobbit Lifestyle, Oma Desala ( when we can't win, sometimes victory IS dening them battle ) , seeing Dad's eye's start to water when hearing the men's choir of priesthood session, pictures of charactered woodwork ( no carving though, it doesn't do a thing for me ), people who I can tell earned what they have ( rare ), Bill Wheatly when he paid for my lunch because I was a stinge and was complaining that I didn't have any money ( he doesn't have much more, I'm tring to not be a stinge ), Bill Adama when we took the Gallatica through the atmosphere of New Caprica when everyone though he had left them there to die, by the hands of the cylons, So say we all.

16. What are you currently reading?

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring ( Thanks Brian & Tonya )

17. What delighted you most today?

Having the Day Off of work to do what I need to do and that be O.k. ( my definition of freedom )

18. By what criteria do you judge a person?

Honesty, Self Awareness, level of deliberation in their life ( Victim or not ), what they have done with what they have, knowing things about them and seeing how they are. How they look ( believe it or not this is one we all do conscious or not, standard very by the person doing the judging, I am not mean with this power ) I MEAN... I don't judge people = ], just like you right.

19. If you could pic a talent what would it be?

Well in the parable of the talents, talents are defined as money, so I'll pick the Million Dollar Talent. ( I was going to say smart a@# but I'm already good at that, so I didn't ) No, I wish I could beat those 10year old punks at Kane's Wrath. Errrrrrrrrr. And remember stuff, when you can remember things you shouldn't and don't need, and remember the things you are trying to.

20. Best vacation ever?

Hawaii vacation right after my mission with the family. ( I want some home movies of that if we still have them some where ) Best timing of a vacation was Nadia's Wedding when we drove to Phoenix with the bed I built for them, work was intense and it was nice to get away for a while. Knowing what a great vacation is half the battle for the "vacation joe's", right? A great vacation for me would be to go back home and visit the fam again and it wouldn't be like that if I lived right by them. Paradise HAS TO BE on the other side of the fence. Even if it's not "greener" it has to at least look that way, it's the only way you get people to hop over. And makes it easy to know where to go on vacation.

21. What is one thing that you did for someone else that help bring joy to you this month?

It wasn't me but, someone sent me Company of Hero's at random anonymously, very cool! I was happy to see that Santa delivers when he sees the right thing and is not bias to Christmas. Because people can't afford to do nice things for others, but Santa does. And we should keep it that way. Keep away from Santa piracy.

22. If you could do one thing over in your life, what would it be?
Not be so intimidated by people who have no idea what they are doing either, mostly in the single days, I thought I was the only one for some reason.

23. If businesses were taxed less would they hire more people?


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bye, Bye Saaber

So we always said we would drive the Saab until it bit the dust, well around Christmas time the dust came-a-biting. The car sprung a huge oil leek, which would have taken more time, money and resources to find and fix, than the car was worth, so we said goodbye to the Saab, and hello to the new GLI.
(note the huge puddle of oil under the car)

Hello New Car!

So here's the new car. It's a Jetta GLI, manual 6 speed turbo with 18 in. wheels. That's about the extent of my knowledge:) It's a vey cool car. We've been looking at getting this car ever since we moved to Texas and the timming and deal were just right, so happy 2010!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

We're Back!

Hello to all. We finally set up a new blog. We still don't know why we got erased from our original blog, but that's all in the past now. We have some major catching up to do, with Thanksgiving, Christmas and all, so we will try to make this as painless as possible and loaded with lots of pictures!